25. marzo 2024

25. mars 2024

25. marca 2024

25. marzo 2024

25. März 2024

25. ožujak 2024

March 25, 2024

“Dear children! In this time of grace, pray with me for the good to win in you and around you. In a special way, little children, pray united with Jesus on His Way of the Cross. Into your prayers put this humanity which wanders without God and without His love. Be prayer, be light, and be witnesses to all those whom you meet, little children, so that the merciful God may have mercy toward you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

“Dear children! In this time of grace, pray with me for the good to win in you and around you. In a special way, little children, pray united with Jesus on His Way of the Cross. Into your prayers put this humanity which wanders without God and without His love. Be prayer, be light, and be witnesses to all those whom you meet, little children, so that the merciful God may have mercy toward you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Marija

18 marzo 2024

18. ožujka 2024

March 18, 2024

“Dear children, by the merciful love of God, I am with you. That is why, as a mother, I am calling you to believe in love — the love that is union with my Son. With love you help others to open their hearts to come to know my Son and to come to love Him. My children, love makes it for my Son to illuminate your hearts with His grace,  to grow in you and to give you peace. My children,  if you live love, if you live my Son, you will have peace and you will be happy.  In love is victory. Thank you.”

– Mirjana

25. febrero 2024

25. février 2024

25. lutego 2024

25. febbraio 2024

25. Februar 2024

25. veljača 2024

February 25, 2024

“Dear children! Pray and renew your heart so that the good which you have sown may bear the fruit of joy and oneness with God. Darnel has seized many hearts and they have become unfruitful; that is why, you little children, be light, love and my outstretched hands in this world which yearns for God Who is love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Marija

25. enero 2024

25. janvier 2024

25. stycznia 2024

25. gennaio 2024

25. Januar 2024

25. siječanj 2024

January 25, 2024

“Dear children! May this time be a time of prayer.”

– Marija

December 31, 2023

January 1, 2024

“Thank you for having responded to my call and praying for my intentions. You will not regret it, neither you, nor your children, and your children’s children.”

– Marija

December 25, 2023

“Dear children, today with my Son in my arms, I desire to call all of you to pray to the little Jesus for the healing of your heart. Children, often in your hearts sin rules which destroys your life and you can not feel God’s presence. That is why, on this day of grace, when grace is spreading throughout the whole world, surrender your life and your heart to the Lord, so that the Lord may heal them with His grace. Only with pure hearts will you be able to experience the birth of Jesus anew in you, and the light of His birth will illuminate your life. I bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Jakov

December 25, 2023

“Dear children! I am carrying my Son Jesus to you to fill your hearts with peace, because He is peace. Little children, seek Jesus in the silence of your heart that He be born anew. The world needs Jesus, therefore seek Him through prayer, because He gives Himself daily to each of you.”

– Marija

October 25, 2023

“Dear children! Winds of evil, hatred and peacelessness are blowing through the earth to destroy lives. That is why the Most High sent me to you, to lead you towards the way of peace and unity with God and people. You, little children, are my extended hands: pray, fast and offer sacrifices for peace – the treasure for which every heart yearns. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Marija

November 25, 2023

“Dear children! May this time be interwoven with prayer for peace and good deeds, so that the joy of the expectation of the King of Peace may be felt in your hearts, families and in the world which does not have hope. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Marija

September 25, 2023

“Dear children! I am calling you to strong prayer. Modernism wants to enter into your thoughts and steal from you the joy of prayer and of meeting with Jesus. That is why, my dear little children, renew prayer in your families, so that my motherly heart may be joyful as in the first days, when I had chosen you, and day and night prayer resounded — and Heaven was not silent but abundantly bestowed peace and blessing on this place of grace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Marija

2023년 8월 25일

25. 8. 2023

25. août 2023

25. sierpnia 2023

25. agosto 2023

25. August 2023

25. kolovoz 2023

August 25, 2023

“Dear children! In this time of grace, I am calling you to prayer with the heart. May your hearts, little children, be raised in prayer towards Heaven, so that your heart may feel the God of love who heals you and loves you with immeasurable love. That is why I am with you, to lead you on the way of conversion of heart. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Marija

25. mayo 2023

25. mai 2023

25. maja 2023

25. maggio 2023

25. Mai 2023

25. svibanj 2023

May 25, 2023

“Dear children! I am calling you to go into nature and to pray for the Most High to speak to your heart and that you may feel the power of the Holy Spirit so as to witness the love which God has for every creature. I am with you and intercede for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Marija

25. abril 2023

“¡Queridos hijos! Los invito a todos a ser portadores de la paz y de la alegría de Jesús resucitado para todos aquellos que se encuentran alejados de la oración; a fin de que el amor de Jesús, a través de sus vidas, los transforme a una nueva vida de conversión y santidad. Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado.”

25. avril 2023

«Chers enfants! Je vous appelle tous à être porteurs de la paix et de la joie de Jésus ressuscité pour tous ceux qui sont loin de la prière ; que l’amour de Jésus les transforme, à travers vos vies, pour une nouvelle vie de conversion et de sainteté. Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel.»

25. kwietnia 2023

„Drogie dzieci! Wzywam was wszystkich, abyście nieśli pokój i radość zmartwychwstałego Jezusa wszystkim, którzy są daleko od modlitwy, aby miłość Jezusowa, poprzez wasze życie, przemieniła ich w nowe życie nawrócenia i świętości. Dziękuję wam, że odpowiedzieliście na moje wezwanie.”

25. aprile 2023

“Cari figli! Vi invito tutti ad essere portatori della pace e della gioia di Gesù Risorto per tutti coloro che sono lontani dalla preghiera affinché, attraverso le vostre vite, l’amore di Gesù li trasformi a vita nuova, vita di conversione e santità. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata.”

25. April 2023

„Liebe Kinder! Ich rufe euch alle auf, Träger des Friedens und der Freude des auferstandenen Jesus für all jene zu sein, die fern vom Gebet sind, damit die Liebe Jesu sie durch eure Leben verwandelt zu einem neuen Leben der Bekehrung und der Heiligkeit. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid!“

25. travanj 2023

„Draga djeco! Pozivam vas sve da budete nositelji mira i radosti uskrsloga Isusa za sve one koji su daleko od molitve, da ih Isusova ljubav preko vaših života preobrazi na novi život obraćenja i svetosti. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu!“

April 25, 2023

“Dear children! I am calling all of you to be carriers of the peace and joy of the risen Jesus for all those who are far from prayer; that the love of Jesus, through your lives, may transform them to a new life of conversion and holiness. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

“Dear children! I am calling all of you to be carriers of the peace and joy of the risen Jesus for all those who are far from prayer; that the love of Jesus, through your lives, may transform them to a new life of conversion and holiness. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Marija

25 марта 2023


5. marzo 2023

25. mars 2023

25. März 2023

25. marca 2023

25. ožujak 2023

March 25, 2023

February 25, 2023

“Dear children! Convert and put on penitential garments and in personal, deep prayer; and in humility, seek peace from the Most High. In this time of grace, satan wants to seduce you; but you, little children, keep looking at my Son and follow Him towards Calvary in renunciation and fasting. I am with you because the Most High permits me to love you and lead you towards the joy of the heart, in faith which grows for all those who love God above all. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Marija

January 25, 2023

“Dear children! Pray with me for peace, because satan wants war and hatred in hearts and peoples. Therefore, pray and sacrifice your days by fasting and penance, that God may give you peace. The future is at a crossroads, because modern man does not want God. That is why mankind is heading to perdition. You, little children, are my hope. Pray with me, that what I began in Fatima and here may be realized. Be prayer and witness peace in your surroundings, and be people of peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Marija

December 25, 2022

“Dear children! Today I am carrying my Son Jesus to you, that you may be His peace and a reflection of the serenity and joy of Heaven. Pray, little children, to be open to receive peace because many hearts are closed to the call of the light which changes hearts. I am with you and I pray for you to open yourselves to receive the King of Peace, Who fills your hearts with warmth and blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Marija

December 25, 2022

“Dear children! Today, when the light of Jesus’ birth is illuminating the entire world, in a special way, with Jesus in my arms, I am praying that every heart becomes the stable of Bethlehem in which my Son will be born, so that your lives become the light of His birth. Little children, you live in restlessness and fear. Therefore, little children, today on this day of grace, pray to Jesus to strengthen your faith and become the Ruler of your lives because, my children, only with Jesus in your life will you not look at restlessness but pray for peace and live in peace, and you will not look at fear, but Jesus, Who frees us from all fears. I am your Mother who constantly watches over you and I bless you with my motherly blessing.”

– Jakov

July 25, 2022

“Dear children! I am with you to lead you on the way of conversion, because, little children, with your lives you can draw many souls closer to my Son. You be joyful witnesses of God’s word and love, and with hope in the heart which conquers every evil. Forgive those who inflict evil on you, and go on the way of holiness. I am leading you to my Son, for Him to be the way, the truth and the life for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Ivan

25 de junho de 2022


25 июня 2022

2022년 6월 25일


25. حزيران 2022

25. június 2022

25. junio 2022

25. juin 2022

25. czerwca 2022

25. giugno 2022

25. Juni 2022

25. lipanj 2022

June 25, 2022

“Dear children I rejoice with you and thank you for every sacrifice and prayer which you have offered for my intentions. Little children, do not forget that you are important in my plan of salvation of mankind. Return to God and prayer that the Holy Spirit may work in you and through you. Little children, I am with you also in these days when satan is fighting for war and hatred. Division is strong and evil is at work in man as never before. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Marija

March 25, 2022

“Dear children! I am listening to your cry and prayers for peace. For years, satan has been fighting for war. That is why God sent me among you to guide you on the way of holiness, because mankind is at a crossroad. I am calling you to return to God and to God’s Commandments that it may be good for you on earth, and that you may come out of this crisis into which you have entered because you are not listening to God Who loves you and desires to save you and lead you to a new life. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Marija

25. mayo 2022

25. Mai 2022

25. mai 2022

May 25, 2022

“Dear children! I am looking at you and thanking God for each of you, because He permits me to still be with you, to encourage you to holiness. Little children, peace is disturbed and satan wants peacelessness. That is why, may your prayer be even stronger so that every unclean spirit of division and war may be stilled. Be builders of peace and carriers of joy of the Risen One in you and around you, for the good to win in every man. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Marija

25. maggio 2022

25. maja 2022

25. svibanj 2022

25. نيسان 2022

25. április 2022

25. abril 2022

25. avril 2022

25. kwietnia 2022

25. aprile 2022

25. travanj 2022

April 25, 2022

“Dear children! I am looking at you and I see that you are lost. That is why I am calling all of you: return to God, return to prayer—and the Holy Spirit will fill you with His love which gives joy to the heart. Hope will grow in you, also for a better future, and you will become joyful witnesses of God’s mercy in you and around you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

– Marija

18 de março de 2022

2022. március 18

18 марта 2022

2022년 3월 18일

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