Exposing Evil…

Exposing Evil…

November 17, 2016 A.D.

Our Lady of Medjugorje said on November 2, 2016:

“…The united love of my apostles will live, will conquer and will expose evil…”

In a Special 1 Hour Edition of Mejanomics, broadcasted last Thursday night on November 10, 2016, and entitled, Trump vs. Hillary? No, Trump vs. Obama, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some very telling spiritual clues about the recent election in the United States. For those who listened to the November 10th broadcast, we are listing the contact information to Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions below.

We received many feedbacks from those who understand that the hand of God was acting on Our Lady’s words this past election night. However, not everyone felt that way. One person who listened to the broadcast wrote in:

“Very disappointed with the person speaking on Radio WAVE and giving their one-sided perspective under the mantle of Our Lady Mary. What a hypocrite. Where is your ability within the power of Our Lady to be at peace with the difference of people within this world? Stop preaching to advocate your own distorted version of what Our Lady represents. This is so very disappointing. What a disgrace. For the record I voted for the Green [party].”

Very Disappointed

A Friend of Medjugorje responds:

Dear Very Disappointed,

You are an apostate and you have no power of discernment. That is all that we need to say. The fact that you have actively supported a political party that worships the earth instead of the God Who created the earth; supported a party that will not think twice about reducing the population of the earth through abortion and euthanasia in order to ‘save the earth,’ puts you in direct conflict with God and with the Church. You need to reconcile. We have nothing else to say.

A Friend of Medjugorje

We firmly believe it is by the hand of Our Lady that through Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, an avenue is made clear to President-Elect Trump. Senator Sessions is one of the closest and most trusted advisors to Donald Trump. In the inner circles of government, it is known that one letter received represents numbers of other citizens who hold the same view. Ten letters received represent hundreds of citizens—and is enough for an office holder to take strong notice. Hundreds of letters from all over the country and foreign countries will not be ignored but actually gives power and strength to the office holder to act.

When A Friend of Medjugorje initiated a letter campaign on behalf of the Alabama Supreme Court Justices who had made a stand against the ruling for perverted abominable false marriage by the United States Supreme Court, we heard from some of the Alabama justices how much those letters helped them to remain strong in their stand. One justice reported that in his whole career as a justice, he had never received so many letters and the ones from foreign countries really impressed him. He was deeply moved by the outpouring of support by so many.

One letter may not make a difference in the halls of government, but Our Lady said:

August 2, 2011

“…As individuals, my children, you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it. But, according to God’s will, all together, with my Son, you can change everything and heal the world…”

We have an opportunity, right now, to begin to effect change in dismantling the systems that satan has taken a century to build up. Write to Senator Sessions and express to him that voter-fraud will not go away unless it is dealt with today. Every instance of voter-fraud in this election must be investigated and prosecuted. There must be consequences for those who broke the law so that it will deter people from doing this in the future. If this is not stamped out now, it will continue to be a problem in future elections. An example needs to be set that this will not be tolerated in our country. Make your letters brief and cordial.

If you have not listened to the November 10, 2016 Mejanomics broadcast, “Trump vs. Hillary? No, Trump vs. Obama,” take the time to listen and absorb the insights that A Friend of Medjugorje offers concerning Donald Trump’s election before writing to Senator Sessions. Spread this broadcast to your family and friends and encourage them to be a part of this movement of grace that Our Lady has given to lead our nation back to the Godly principles upon which it was founded.

Following is the contact information for Senator Jeff Sessions, who is among the most respected congressmen in Washington because of his integrity, humility and being on the right side of so many issues. He has actively supported President-elect Donald Trump, from the beginning and has been unwavering in his commitment.

Senator Jeff Sessions
1800 5th Ave. North, #341
Birmingham, AL 35203

Senator Jeff Sessions—U.S. Senate
326 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-0001

Why write? Because Our Lady has now called upon us, saying on November 2, 2016, “you conquer,” “you expose evil.” It is a grave evil when there is an organized plan to steal an election of a nation. Don’t sit on this or we will give a go ahead for more voter fraud and stealing of elections two years from now, if these tactics are not confronted. If we do not act, the corruption and fraud will become tolerated as in third world countries.


1. Keep letter brief.

2. In the presidential election, voter fraud was rampant on the democratic side.

(a). Crowds that showed up for the two candidates pre-election were radically different in numbers. Trump drew 5-20 thousand people often with only a six hour notice to followers. Clinton very often barely drew 2 to 300 people. Trump often had 25 to 30 times more in numbers of those attending his speeches.

(b). Trump had had 30 million followers on twitter and facebook. Clinton had 20 million on twitter and facebook and there are many who believe Clinton’s numbers were increased artificially.

Trump had a 1/3 margin over Clinton on the Twitter/Facebook numbers. These numbers (a & b), attending Trump and Clinton’s rallies and following on twitter and facebook, should reflect out and correlate with the election vote! The fact that they do not is very telling. It simply concludes massive fraud took place, as the two candidates were only a few hundred thousand votes apart. This is an impossibility to occur except by widespread fraud.

Your letter to Senator Jeff Sessions should strongly convey:

The United States of America is called to be an honest nation, because it is a blessed nation. Special investigation teams or prosecutors should be appointed by Trump. Those who have corrupted out system should be prosecuted and serve jail time to send a message and an example and to kill any efforts to continue these evils two years from now.

Make a copy of your letter and send it to both addresses above.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

3 thoughts on “Exposing Evil…”

  1. After listening to you talk about exposing evil, I hope you continue to discuss this by mentioning how Germany had just introduced new “invasion of privacy laws” after creating the worsening ISIL problem they required in order to pass such legislation in the first place. You know, they create the problem to resolve it so it can serve another need in the future. The Democrats and progressives do this by taking advantage of every “emergency “. Trump and his party and hopefully you as well should mention the recent raids of 50 Mosques in Germany while they condemn our own concerns here I nm the USA, such hypocrisy. Thank you for all your hard work and constant prayers God Bless you all

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