Ivan says “An Exceptional Day, a Meeting of Great Significance”

Ivan says “An Exceptional Day, a Meeting of Great Significance”

Medjugorje June 24, 2011 A.D.

The apparition tonight took place on Apparition Mountain around 11:00 PM. Tens of thousands of people were present. Many were on the mountain up to 5 hours before, waiting in anticipation for Our Lady’s apparition during Ivan’s prayer group. While the Rosaries were being prayed, thunder could be heard in the distance, and lightning flashes were seen in the distant sky. It was a beautiful night to be with Our Lady on the mountain. After two Rosaries and singing, Our Lady came around 11:00 P.M. The apparition lasted about 13 minutes. Following is Ivan’s description of Our Lady’s apparition tonight:

Also today, as every day, after every meeting with Our Lady, I desire to describe to you what is the most important from tonight’s meeting with Our Lady. This was truly an exceptional day for me. Today is 30 years since Our Lady has been with me and since I have been in Her school, the school of peace, of love, the school of prayer. Truly this meeting has a great significance for me and for my life, and it is exceptional for me. Our Lady came tonight to us in a gold dress with three angels. She came very, very joyful and happy. At the beginning as always, She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then She said:

“Dear children, also today I rejoice together with you. Also today, in joy, I call you: accept my messages and live my messages. May my messages become life. Build them into your lives. May they be food on your life’s journey. Know, dear children, that I am with you when it is most difficult for you, that I encourage and console you, that I intercede before my Son for all of you. Therefore, dear children, persevere in prayer and do not be afraid. Follow me without fear. Thank you, dear children, also today, for having accepted me again and having accepted my messages, for living my messages.”

Our Lady then, for a longer while, with Her arms extended, prayed for all of us here. She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. She also blessed the religious articles brought for blessing. Then Our Lady prayed over the sick who were present with Her arms extended. I recommended all of your needs, your intentions, your families and especially the sick, and everything that you carry in your hearts. Our Lady certainly knows our hearts the best – what we want to tell Her. Then a conversation between us followed, which remains only between us. After that conversation, Our Lady continued to pray over all of us. She left in that prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting, “Go in peace, my dear children, my little children.”

Pictures from tonight’s Apparition in Medjugorje

Pilgrims June 24, 2011

Medjugorje, June 24, 2011

This is a common sight in Medjugorje: Thousands waiting in anticipation for Our Lady to come. This picture was taken 3 hours before the apparition, and already the pilgrims are praying in preparation for the great moment when the Virgin Mary will visit the earth. In what other age has man had to opportunity to know that in 3 hours time they will be before the Queen of Heaven?

Child Pilgrim June 24, 2011

Our Lady in Medjugorje calls us Her “Dear children,” “Little children,” My Dear little children.” Here a pilgrim brings their child to be before Our Lady to be blessed. A Friend of Medjugorje says that in his earlier years of coming to Medjugorje, he never missed the opportunity to bring his children up the mountain to be blessed in the apparition. Often times, they would fall asleep in the late night on the mountain, and would have to be carried down. But all is worth the great blessing of the Great Blessing of the Queen of Peace, who has told us that these Medjugorje apparitions are the last in the world. What will have passed us by once these apparitions end? What kind of blessing for the future will our children and grandchildren be, who we bring to receive Our Lady’s blessing now when She is with us?

Child Pilgrim June 24, 2011

Tonight, even in the midst of thousands of pilgrims, one can always find a quiet corner for prayer and an encounter with God.

Crippled pilgrim's chair June 24, 2011

“A visit to Medjugorje is an opportunity to participate in living Biblical history. To witness an apparition, is to feel the reassuring hand of God upon one’s shoulder.”

A Friend of Medjugorje, Between Heaven and Earth

Scenes such as this one above, taken during tonight’s prayer group, remind us of the great lengths people traveled to be with Jesus. Now in this time in which Our Lady has said is “Her” time, we see that terrain, hardship, and difficulty are nothing in comparison to the great joy we receive in being blessed and being seen by Our Lady. Truly, the Mother knows everything we face in our lives, and do we not realize that She wishes us to bring Her all our difficulties and trials so She can turn everything into joy?

Lightning strike June 24, 2011

Our Lady’s statue can be seen (left) where Ivan and his prayer group joined thousands on the mountain.

Tonight, a greater force, a greater power descended to earth than the lightning seen in this picture taken tonight, Friday June 24, on Apparition Mountain. For Mary, the Queen of the Angels, to Whom the Son of God lovingly bends, to Whom is sent to us now in this time to save the world, descended upon the earth and graced the world with Her benediction, and power not understood by today’s man. Perhaps only the future generations will completely grasp the significance of what Our Lady’s blessing has done for the world. A Friend of Medjugorje tells us that for those of good will, Our Lady’s blessing is strength and grace; that for those unwilling to change, it is exorcistic. Where would the world be today without Our Lady’s Medjugorje apparitions? Would the world even be?

If you are feeling called to a Medjugorje Pilgrimage call BVM Caritas Medjugorje Pilgrimages. Call in the US: 205-672-2000 extension 218, or outside of the United States call: 001-205-672-2000 extension 218.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

41 thoughts on “Ivan says “An Exceptional Day, a Meeting of Great Significance””

  1. Because of His Love, I believe Christ is extremely concerned for all of us on earth.  Even more so now with all that has transpired in a year and more.  An example, is that today people don’t recognize their sin and the depth of pain that it causes for us.  Jesus gives Himself through confession and the Eucharist to cleanse us and to feed us His love.  He demonstrates the depth of His Love through the Eucharist.  You are right that He seeks unity between Heaven and Earth.  He is trying desperately to bring this unity between Himself and man.  Unfortunately, man is very slow to respond and may even reject Him by their behavior and their lack of Love for Him.  As you have said, Mary is the answer to this situation to bring unity between Heaven(Jesus) and Earth (us). I believe Mary will takes us to Jesus immediately if we fall on our knees and humble are selves and pray. Christmas is the time of the year to reunite us with Him as a little child. This was a very good clip with much to ponder.

  2. Because of His Love, I believe Christ is extremely concerned for all of us on earth.  Even more so now with all that has transpired in a year and more.  An example, is that today people don’t recognize their sin and the depth of pain that it causes for us.  Jesus gives Himself through confession and the Eucharist to cleanse us and to feed us His love.  He demonstrates the depth of His Love through the Eucharist.  You are right that He seeks unity between Heaven and Earth.  He is trying desperately to bring this unity between Himself and man.  Unfortunately, man is very slow to respond and may even reject Him by their behavior and their lack of Love for Him.  As you have said, Mary is the answer to this situation to bring unity between Heaven(Jesus) and Earth (us). I believe Mary will takes us to Jesus immediately if we fall on our knees and humble are selves and pray. Christmas is the time of the year to reunite us with Him as a little child. This was a very good clip with much to ponder.

  3. Charles D' Souza

    Abba Father thanking you for the gift of our HOLY MOTHER MARY in our lives, help us always to walk in her footsteps to your son JESUS CHRIST

  4. Praise to our LORD GOD! Thank you very much for all the information and beautiful pictures you are sending… True enough all the messages of our MAMA MARY are happening. Let’s pray that we will live through all HER messages and that there will be love, unity and peace among men. Thank you MAMA MARY for everything.I pray for my family and I pray too that someday me and my family can also go there in Medjugorje… in GOD’s time. Happy 30th Blessed anniversary! To GOD be the Glory!

  5. Thank you for posting the beautiful pictures. I was so blessed to have been present on Apparition Hill the evening of June 24, 2011, for Ivan’s apparition. I prayed for Our Lady to keep us all safe from the storm, and she did. I put all of my trust in her. Our Lady sent me a special blessing, as at the end of the apparition, I received the strong scent of roses, and then again as I went down the treacherously rocky path of the hill. I thank Our Lady for calling me to Medjugorje! Ave Maria!

  6. Thanks for sharing such beautiful pictures of our mother Mary. Although it is way beyond my imagination to be there I at least got to experience the miracle of seeing Mother Mary. Its unbelievable but true… thank you once again.

  7. I was there on Tuesday and it was beautiful. I prayed at the cross on Apparition Hill and then left prayers by the statue of Mary and I honestly believe she heard them. When I got back to my fathers house in Croatia (I am here on holiday) I took a shower and in the middle of my chest there was a red mark about 2 inches high that looked like and angel praying and it disappeared a little over a day later. My faith tells me that was a sign from Gospa that she heard my prayers.

  8. It is so reasuring that Our Lady came putting on a golden dress,was happy and gave us some encouraging messages. As She blessed our intentions,I am sure my requests were attended to.I also need to visit Medjugorje one day by Her help.My heart is always there.

  9. it is so beautiful to see the pictures and read what is to be said about Our Lady’s apparitions especially since we are not blessed enough to be there thank you so much for sharing

  10. I was on Apparition Hill on Friday night and it was such a blessing to be there for Ivan’s apparition. It was a grace filled and prayerful experience. The sunset that night was incredible and when the lightening and thunder started about ten minutes before the apparition you knew you were on holy ground. My feeling at that moment was not to be afraid of anything because Our Holy Mother was watching over us. I just wanted to witness to being here in Medjugorje for the 30th Anniversary. God Bless

  11. I was blessed to be there in the Apparition Hill on Friday night. It is really something to be seen and lived. After the apparition, all clouds and signs of storms, were gone. All thousands of people quietly went down the hill in the dark, as if guided by the Mother. The hill is very rocky. Surely I am blessed to be here. my Thanks to God and The Heavenly Mother

  12. Oh my goodness! what a true blessing and miracle seen on this beautiful sight. The thought of the Mother of God and our Heavenly Mother coming down to earth to spend some time with us! and to let us know how much she loves each and every one of us! thank you most precious Blessed Mother and Lord Jesus Christ for our eyes that witnessed such beauty and our hearts that could feel the true presence of both your love you have for the world.


  14. The topic our mother speaks on each month is usually right on the issues I’m having at that moment.

  15. Regina Nathan

    I appreciate and enjoy every message you give us. But I am very impatient to know when will be the good news will be announced? Vatican has aready decided and why are they taking a long time? Pl reply to me! I will be waiting for your reply Thank you

  16. Julia Hinkley

    Blessings and Thanks to those responsible for preparing the photos and articles of last nights apparition of Our Blessed Lady. I am now on a personal mission to come to Medjugorje myself to be in this magnificent presence- the presence of Our Father- Jesus, His Son, His Holy Mother Mary- and her devout and steadfast followers. I am in awe of all of the goodness in the world- in the people God has made and in His Immaculate Mother who loves us all.

  17. merci de tout coeur de nous trasmettre les messages ce notre maman du ciel.Quel consolation dans ces temps difficilles.Quel joie de nous savoir aimer d’elle et de Dieu amen

  18. Really nice photos. Apparition Mountain is like Heaven on earth. It is really great to know that our Heavenly Mother loves us so much and wants all of us to be saved for all eternity. May faith, hope, love and peace fill our hearts for ever. Thank you good mama’ of Jesus and of mankind. Paul

  19. Thanks so much for the beautiful pictures and message from Mary our Mother. I was in Medjugorje six years ago and would love to be there again now. I really love getting all these updates of everything happening over there. Hopefully one day I’ll again be there.

  20. Thanks for the wonderful photos and messages.I have never been to MEDJUGORJE.May be one day.Keep all nations in yours prayers.Praise be Jesus and mother MARY. thank you God

  21. Christina Aguirre

    Thank you Caritas for being our eyes and ears in a place we long to be with you and our Holy Blessed Mother! I check the website all day waiting to get more news of what is going on there. I was blessed to be at Caritas in March when Marija and the Blessed Mother were there. I pray they come back! Thank you for bringing us all of this food for our souls!

  22. Margaret Mary LaCamera

    Thank you for sharing and for the beautiful pictures. Our Blessed Mother has given me the gift of being so close to her through technology as I have no means to be able to be there. Truly the grace I have been given by her to be included is the greatest gift Pearl in the field. Thank you for all the work to open her presence to thousands more unable to go to Medjugorje.

  23. Thank you for the beautiful photos. Thankl you for helping us keep in touch with all the happenings at the place we all long to be, Medjugorje. Keep us in your prayers and we will pray for you.

  24. To the photographer….We at home are surely blessed to experience the 30th anniversary through your eyes. I don’t believe I’ve seen a more beautiful “capture” of a lightening bolt as this. Our hearts are with you and the Mother of God on the mountains and in the village during this blessed anniversary. Our God is an awesome God. My prayers are with you. Blessings to all in Medjugorje and around the world.

  25. Your “yes” to Our Lady brings us her messages how to live and what is most important…our living these messages for life eternal. Thank you. Yes!!

  26. Thank you for this description and photos. May all the people I have forwarded it to, be blessed by Mary and invited by her to go there and experience God’s love for themselves. May they all come back renewed with the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  27. Frederic Riaza

    Thank you so much for these pictures. I have been in Medjugorje the last 2 years in a row. I was unable to go this year as my wife and me had a baby boy. We hope to be there next year in May and bring our new son to present him to our Blessed Mother. Praise Be Jesus and Mary!

  28. I have been excited about tonight’s appartition with the Blessed Mother. I went to Medjugorje in 1987. I am crying just thinking about I wished I could have been there tonight. I have been to Caritas in Sterrett, Alabama too. Oh! How I love Jesus and the Blessed Mother. These tears give me peace and love. The pictures are beautiful. Thank you for letting us share on these wonderful events with the Blessed Mother, our mother in heaven and Jesus mother too. Thank you God.

  29. As I read “in our Lady’s blessing is strength and grace”, a tear came to my eye because that’s exactly what I brought home from Medjugorje last August. An unbelievable gift, a strange inner peace, that was truly a grace recieved from Our Lady. PRAISED BE JESUS AND OUR BEAUTIFUL MOTHER MARY!!!!!


  31. thank you for making it possible for me to be there – if not in person, at least in spirit. to be able to witness a miracle, and hear Our Lady speak to me. thank you and God bless you for your generosity. jb

  32. What beautiful pictures and setting on Ivan’s 30th anniversary of apparitions daily for 30 Years. I have made 2 visits to Medjugorje, the last one was staying at Ivans House and going to the apparitions in his Chapel. I long to go again. I pray to the Blessed Virgin to guide me to make a reservation in September or October Or November 2011 I tell the Blessed mother and Jesus “I LOVE YOU, KISSING. JESUS ON THE CROSS AND THE BLESSED MOTHER ON MY ROSARY BEFORE GOING TO SLEEP

  33. Sharon Acevedo

    These are very wonderful photos and I feel very blessed to see them. Thank you for sharing them with the world and Our Lady’s messages also. Sincerely, Sharon Acevedo

  34. Thank you for this wonderful messages and pictures. I have been to Medjugorje 3 times (1987, ’89, and ’90). I have cured twice and received a message from Jesus after receiving Him at Holy Communion. This message was confirmed when I got back home. I am now 81 years old, and I feel that Our Lady is still calling me back. With her help, I know I will. I think of her and this wonderful place every day. She and Her Son are always in my heart.

  35. I wish to thank you for taking the time to share what is happening. We always await news of Our Lady. Thank you for your work here in the states and the speed with which you share messages and apparitions. Praise be to Jesus and Mary forever. Thanks be to God for the grace of Our Blessed Mother’s visits and may her intentions continue to be granted and may we each live as Our lady directs us and follow the path Our Lord leads us to. Praise be the Queen of the Holy Rosary and Queen of Peace!

  36. I took my two kids to Medjugorje in ’09. We climbed Mount Kresevic and found a Praying Mantis at the very top on a pile of rubble. I took a picture of my kids holding it, with the cross in the back ground. Made a great Christmas card!! I like to think of it as a little miracle since no one else that I could find on the internet has reported seeing one up there. 🙂

  37. Lalanthi Fernandez

    Praise be Jesus. Lovely and beautiful pictures. Mother Mary praying for us daily. Praise be Jesus. Love you Mother always.

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