
What God is Increasing Daily to Cancel the Sin of Noise

What God is Increasing Daily to Cancel the Sin of Noise

September 2, 2018 A.D.

Our Lady of Medjugorje’s September 2, 2018 Message through Mirjana
Given on the Day of Prayer for Nonbelievers

“Dear children, my words are simple but are filled with motherly love and care. My children, all the more the shadows of darkness and deception are being cast over you, and I am calling you to the light and truth—I am calling you to my Son. Only He can transform despair and suffering into peace and clarity; only He can give hope in the deepest pain. My Son is the life of the world. The more that you come to know Him—the more that you come close to Him—all the more you will love Him, because my Son is love. Love changes everything; it makes most beautiful also that which, without love, seems insignificant to you. That is why, anew, I am saying to you that you must love a lot if you desire to grow spiritually. I know, apostles of my love, that it is not always easy, but, my children, also the painful paths are paths which lead to spiritual growth, to faith, and to my Son. My children, pray—think of my Son. In all the moments of the day, raise your soul to Him, and I will gather your prayers as flowers from the most beautiful garden and give them as a gift to my Son. Be true apostles of my love; spread the love of my Son to everyone. Be gardens of the most beautiful flowers. With your prayers help your shepherds that they may be spiritual fathers filled with love for all people. Thank you.”

What God is Increasing Daily to Cancel the Sin of Noise

by a Friend of Medjugorje

Nature’s action cannot lie, it can tell you many things, speaking to you. How? God’s voice is in nature. We can also read the book of darkness. As cities are birthed, grow, expand, become more intense and populated—covering up nature—paving it over with concrete and buildings, nature’s voice of God diminishes. With its sin of noise, its celebration of self, it drowns the voice of God. It eventually deceives its inhabitants as it leaves and turning away from nature, it turns instead to man. Pockets of parks are attempts to correct what man feels in his heart and yearns for, but every park in the city is surrounded by four sides with the city. Man leaving, he walks back into the city. Our Lady said today in Medjugorje:

September 2, 2018

“…My children, all the more the shadows of darkness and deception are being cast over you, I am calling you to the light and truth…”

Shadows of darkness? When are shadows of darkness, the tallest? Shadows grow larger and larger as the Sun sets more and more. The truth of nature speaks, actually yells to you. It is by the light of midday where there is the least or no shadow. This truth can be seen in nature. Our Lady’s words are simple and Our Lady echoes nature that we must stand in the light to expel all shadows of darkness. Our Lady says,

September 2, 2018

“…I am calling you to the light and truth…”

Our Lady speaks Her simple words revealing how shadows of darkness, that envelop you, are vanquished.

September 2, 2018

“…I am calling you to the light. ..I am calling you to my Son…”

This is cored into nature, by nature’s God that in the light of midday, the shadow of darkness disappears. Our Lady speaks, nature speaks, God is heard if you learn how to listen. But you are deceived by what you are listening to, by what is:

September 2, 2018

“…being cast over you…”

Dubrovnik is a walled city on the Adriatic Sea, not far from Medjugorje. It has a long history of long-term storms and Bora winds which can continue on for weeks. One cannot go outside, one stays in the dark. Its effects made Dubrovnik, in the past, the highest suicide rate on the face of the earth. The lingering overcast in nature shut out the sun. Long, dreary, overcast causes and breeds depression and hopelessness where despair can grow. It’s an immutable truth spoken in nature. Our Lady said today:

“…all the more the shadows of darkness and deception are being cast over you… I am calling you to the light and truth—I am calling you to my Son. Only He can transform despair and suffering into peace and clarity…”

When the storms of Dubrovnik go away and peace and clarity comes back, the high self-destructive rate of death goes away.

“…Only He can transform despair and suffering into peace and clarity…”

Though Our Lady says Her words are simple, they are rich, they are full of meaning. Her words contain a supernatural power that speaks like the Divine Spirit. But when Our Lady speaks to you, there is a distinguishable difference. Its character is different, yet not separate from the Divine Spirit. How can it be different yet not separate? It is and can be because God can do whatever He wants to do. Is it being stated that the Divine Spirit is apart from this other Spirit Our Lady has? The answer is both yes and no. It is apart from the Divine Spirit. It is part of the Divine Spirit. You think that cannot be? This is new! Is this not theologically correct? Maybe even heretical? Yet, if you believe in Our Lady’s simple words, you will see it is so. Our Lady said on May 2, 2017:

“…I am imploring Him [my Son] to help you with the Divine Spirit, as ‘I also’ desire to help you with my Motherly Spirit…”

Our Lady is here, and will be on the earth, in a new way, with a new power, expressly to be, literally, our Mother! Yes, we’ve had Our Lady since John was given Her from the Cross by Jesus. However, this is not what Our Lady is expressing. She is expressing, “I am with you and can do more than your earthly Mother can do for you.” What is being stated is new and is now in the making. How can that be? Because God can do anything He wants. satan has his ‘run of the mill’ prodigies, fishing for and reeling in souls for a century. But, God has now “upped the ante.” The stakes are increased to meet satan’s power on earth and cancel his gains. Our Lady is to over shadow his shadow with Her power. And because man will not give up these prodigies of the devil easily, God will increase the newly acquired power of the Motherly Spirit to the Virgin Mother. It will continue to increase everyday Our Lady appears on the earth in Medjugorje. This new efficacy of the Motherly Spirit will not end, rather it will be with us until the end of the world. What is its purpose? It is to prepare the world for the Second Coming of Her Son, Jesus Christ. Our Lady proceeded Him the first time, and Our Lady is preceding Him the second time.

The message today is one word. What the world needs this moment is what it lacks most. The word is Love. For those who do not Love, do not know God. One, is to Love in all things. Not human love—when “I love you and you love me.” It’s “I love you even if you do not love me.”

A Friend of Medjugorje
About the Author

Visit here to read Our Lady of Medjugorje’s September 2, 2018, message in other languages…

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2 thoughts on “What God is Increasing Daily to Cancel the Sin of Noise”

  1. It’s all about Love. We must love Jesus with all our heart and with all our mind. This is what Our Blessed Lady is trying to tell us.

  2. It’s all about Love. We must love Jesus with all our heart and with all our mind. This is what Our Blessed Lady is trying to tell us.

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